Monthly Menu and Budget Planning Workshop


Implementing this tried and tested system will ensure that you accurately plan & stay within your monthly grocery budget, cut down on your shopping trips, frees up a lot of your time and enables you to introduce a variety of different, nutritious and delicious recipes to your family and friends.

This workshop will benefit you greatly if you feel like you are on the back foot when it comes to dinners in your home. If you are bored out of your mind because you are making the same thing over and over again and losing all your enthusiasm for cooking a meal for your family.

It doesn’t matter if you are single, married or have a family of 6, if you have food allergies or are dieting- this system is completely adaptable to your unique lifestyle.

Date: Saturday 13 April 2013

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am

Venue: Godfirst Offices. 2nd floor, Bryanpark Shopping Centre (Office Park). Cnr Grosvenor and Cumberland Roads, Bryanston. (see map below)

Cost: R200 per person or R250 for married couples/per household.

What you walk away with: Skills and knowledge to completely change the way you plan and cook, tools for you to stay within your budget. Money saving techniques, Time saving techniques, a disc with a planning template, a budget template, a shopping list template, and many months worth of different meal planning ideas to keep you inspired and organised for a good long while!

Tea, coffee and a little Stickaforkinme treat will be provided. 🙂

Sign up now by emailing I will confirm your place.

Testimonies from ladies who are using my system:

” I have been using this wonderful system for a while now, ITS AMAZING LADIES!!!!” – Candice

“It was so great to get some personal help with our household budget. Groceries especially got away from me! Lins helped me to plan monthly meals, set a budget and encouraged me to stick to it!! Feeling so ready to tackle next month (already picking yummy recipes!) and start saving!! For me the cherry on the top is cooking new yummy meals and my husband being super stoked!” – Wendy

If you need directions to the venue, please email me.

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